
Loading Instructions

Saving the File(s) to a Smart Card:

  1. Right-click the file provided on the appropriate web page and select “Save As.”
  2. Save the file to a location on your computer.
  3. If there are multiple files, make sure to save all files.
  4. Open ChefComm.
  5. Go to “Options.”
  6. Select “Transfer Binary File to Smart Card.”
  7. In the window that appears, locate the firmware file(s) you saved.
  8. Insert a gray smart card into the USB smart card reader with the gold chip facing up.
  9. Select the firmware file and click Open.
  10. ChefComm will begin transferring the file and will notify you when it is finished.
  11. For ovens requiring multiple firmware cards, repeat steps 5-10 using a new smart card for each file.

Updating the Oven:

  1. Insert the first (or only) card with the new firmware into the oven’s smart card reader.
    NOTE: Orient the card so the gold chip faces the front of the oven.
  2. From the Cooling Down or Off screen, hold the INFO, IDLE, or ON/OFF key until the oven resets.
  3. You will hear a series of beeps, followed by one long tone.
  4. When you hear the long tone, remove the card.
  5. For ovens requiring multiple firmware cards, repeat steps 1-4 for each firmware card.
  6. When the last firmware card is removed, the oven will reset with the new firmware loaded.


If you are updating firmware for an i5 oven, be sure to perform the following steps:

  1. From the Cooling Down or Off screen, press the INFO key.
  2. Press the DOWN Arrow key to scroll to screen 2.
  3. Press the “Set Options” key.
  4. Enter 9-4-2-8 as the password.
  5. In the lower-right corner of the screen, verify the oven type is set to “i5.”
  6. If it is set to “i3,” press the adjacent soft key to change it.
  7. Press the On/Off key to return to the Cooling Down or Off screen.
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